Chelsea attacker Jude Soonsup-Bell is in talks with Manchester City

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Chelsea player Jude Soonsup-Bell have spoken to Manchester City regarding a potential switch. It has been reported that Jude Soonsup-Bell wants to make a switch. The current Premier League champions are in talks with the player. Moreover, it is believed that the player is facing some trouble at Stamford Bridge. It is believed that the player is facing a bit of uncertainty with the Blues. Therefore is weighing up his options for a potential move. A detailed report suggested Jude Soonsup-Bell held a talk about a move to Manchester City. However, he seemed more interested to head abroad as he wants to kick-start his career. This could be a stumbling block for City in their quest for the player. The youngster’s contract with Chelsea ends at the end of the season. Therefore he is available for the summer transfer window.

Jude Soonsup-Bell is in talks with Manchester City as he looks for a potential move

Several news outlets believe that Jude Soonsup-Bell have already made up his mind to leave the club. Furthermore, he could already be departing Chelsea this January transfer window. There is still a week left in the transfer window, therefore he could still very well sign for other clubs. The player started his career at Swindon Town before he joined the Blues back in 2016. He have slowly made his way up in the Chelsea team. The England international even made his club debut back in 2021. He had made an appearance for the Blues in a cup clash against Brentford. His rise in the team has taken the time and the wait has not been a fruitful one. The player was easily replaced by new players signed by the club. Therefore he is now looking for a potential move. He already had talks with Manchester City regarding the move.

Jude Soonsup-Bell could leave the Blues this transfer window itself. But nothing is set in stone as of now. He could eventually leave the club when his contract expires this season. Another player whose future at Stamford Bridge is in question is Hakim Ziyech. Ziyech’s future at Chelsea is yet to be decided.

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