Manchester United: Rangnick stripped off duty!

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Manchester United has relieved Ralf Rangnick off his duties of finding the new manager for United. Ralf Rangnick is to take on a consultancy role at the end of the summer.

Ralf Rangnick took on the role of interim manager and to take on a consultancy role at the end of the season. One of Rangnick’s tasks was to find a new manager for United. However, according to reports, Rangnick has been relieved of his duties of finding the new manager. Apparently, he has little to not say in the matter.

Rangnick had earlier conducted a couple of interviews with the potential candidates. The German had backed Ajax boss Erik Ten Hag and is fixated on him. Rangnick believes the Dutch to be the one to bring United back to the top. However, the new updates do not look good as they have limited Rangnick’s role.

United has asked Rangnick to focus on the season and try to finish in the top 4. United are currently 7th in the league with 8 wins, 6 draws, and 2 losses ever since Rangnick took charge. Rangnick however will have a say in rebuilding the squad. As a lot of players are leaving and some of them are being sold, the club is to go through a transition.

Rangnick’s Say

Rangnick is pushing the United board to have a say in the matter. He has told the board to take their time in the transfer market and make long-term plans. Rangnick says United would reach the level of City and Liverpool in 5-6 years if they take their time to properly execute their plans.

“Both teams of Manchester City and Liverpool, those two teams have been built together and recruited over a period of five or six years, all of them under the premises of how do the coaches want to play, This is what has to happen. That far, I can go right now. I told the board this is what has to happen.”

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