Premier League finally postpone the game between Leicester City and Tottenham Hotspur

Leicester City

Premier League has made the final announcement as they postpone the Leicester City vs Tottenham game. The league postponed this match as a result of the rising covid cases in the Leicester camp. Moreover, the Premier League had previously rejected the initial request of both clubs of postponing the game.

In addition, this will also be the third-midweek fixture to be postponed after Brentford vs Manchester United and Burnley vs Watford. The number of covid cases in camps is increasing and more and more clubs are requesting of postponing their game. Leicester City does not have sufficient players available for the fixture.

Moreover, Leicester also closed down their first-team training ground as an act of trying to contain the virus. More and more clubs are in favour of postponing their games till Christmas to gain at least some control over the outbreak. The outbreak is causing trouble in the camps of various teams and many clubs have insufficient players available. Therefore, the league has to postpone these games having no choice whatsoever. The Premier League had this to say about the postponement,

“The Premier League Board has postponed Leicester City FC’s match against Tottenham Hotspur tonight due to an increase in positive COVID-19 cases within Leicester’s squad today”

“In light of the new information, Leicester applied this morning for the fixture to be called off due to an ongoing outbreak within the squad, which has resulted in more players and staff testing positive for COVID-19 today. This has left the club with an insufficient number of players available to fulfil the game.”

What the Leicester City vs Tottenham match postpone mean?

Tottenham Hotspur have postponed their last 3 matches in a row. Their games against Rennes and Brighton were also called off due to the coronavirus outbreak. Leicester also had requested earlier to postpone this game. However, the league rejected the initial requests. However, the league had to agree to the club’s requests as the numbers increased later. Manchester United’s game against Brighton is also postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak in the United camp.

This increasing postponement of matches is a worrying sign for the Premier League. Moreover, this will only increase later if the league does not take proper measures on this issue. There is a slight probability that the whole league may be postponed for a little while. It is a decision for the betterment of the players and the staff members. However, the fans may not be in favor of this decision. Nevertheless, the league has to be fast and appropriate with their decision-making.

The Premier League has already postponed four matches of the weekend. This may also lead to the postponement of the league sooner or later. The coronavirus has certainly troubled a lot of us over the last year. However, the league has to be strict about the problems that are troubling the players and staff members. Moreover, the players and staff members should also be responsible from their end to minimize the spread of the virus.

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