On this day last year, the Aussie legend Shane Warne passed away due to a heart attack. Shane Warne was just 52 years old. He has taken 708 wickets in International cricket for Australia which second highest. He took this many wickets in just 145 matches. Journalist Robbie James recalls the time he and his dad spent with the Aussie.
James on Warne’s meeting
“Then he saw me – I think I was the only child there. He quickly stopped and had a little chat with me, shook my hand and then went up the stairs. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to have him as part of my life for quite a long time,”
“My dad says it was like we had been sprinkled with gold dust.”
He further added,
“Shane Warne is someone who I attach very happy memories of my dad to because when I met Shane, it was when I had a really good relationship with my dad. Warne was brilliant at bringing people together and he weirdly did that when he died with me and my dad”
James father’s words on Warne
“The passing of Warne has had a big effect in hopefully sparking much better relations. It was obvious his death really shocked Robbie into memories of the past. He specially rang me about it, and seemed very affected by it. It was cricket itself that provided an unexpected but almost perfect vehicle for keeping our relationship positive.”
He also added,
“The sport gave us a great shared adventure under difficult times for many years.”
“He was the first person I ever met who showed me that no matter how many things you have going on in your life, no matter how famous you are, you can still be still be a good human being. When he spoke, you listened. One of his mantras was, ‘manners are free’.”
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