Chelsea news: Potential owners speculate provocation; Man City star details on rough time with Blues

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All the latest Chelsea news is here from the Stamford Bridge. The Blues are amidst a transition in ownership and rumors are flying at the moment. Interested parties have launched their bids, but the final decision is yet to be made. However, one of the bidders have concerns over their competitors pulling all the bad tricks out of the hat.

Meanwhile, in other news former Chelsea player Kevin de Bruyne has opened up about his time at the Stamford Bridge. De Bruyne couldn’t carve out a successful career with the Blues and left them in 2014. He has excelled for Chelsea’s rivals Manchester City and recently revealed his tough time with the Blues.

Chelsea News: Potential owners worried over growing protests

Among others, the Ricketts family has bid for the Chelsea takeover as well. Ricketts who owns the Chicago Cubs now wants to add Chelsea Football Club. However, their bid has not been welcomed by many of the clubs’ supporters. The reason is the head of the family, Joe Ricketts. The Cubs’ owner’s offensive comments over the Muslim community in the past have enraged fans. It seems the comments, which were made by him in his emails are still afresh in Chelsea fans’ minds. The majority of Chelsea fans staged various protests against the Ricketts bidding for the club’s takeover.

However, the Ricketts family is back in the news with their new theory regarding Chelsea fans’ protests. Though Joe Ricketts has made it clear that he is not a part of the bid made by his family, protests have continued. Now the American thinks that his competitors are conspiring against him. Todd Boehly, Lord Coe, and Stephen Pagliuca are the other finalists for the Chelsea ownership. Ricketts fee that the other three are provoking the supporters to gain an advantage in the race. Meanwhile, the protests against Ricketts are gaining a pace as seen prior to the Brentford game.

De Bruyne opens the lid on his time at the Bridge

City’s Kevin de Bruyne is making the news headlines for Chelsea as well. The midfielder along with Mohamed Salah couldn’t find their feet at Chelsea and left the Blues for settling somewhere else. De Bruyne made only 9 appearances for Chelsea, whereas Salah played just 19. However, both De Bruyne and Salah exploded for their respective clubs after leaving Chelsea. The Belgian midfielder was asked about his time at Chelsea. While speaking to The Metro, De Bruyne said,

“We (he and Salah) were just two good players who didn’t play a lot.”

De Bruyne further admitted,

“We both needed to gain confidence and get game time and we had to go elsewhere to do that. Maybe it was just a coincidence. You certainly can’t compare me now to what I did then – 10 years in football is your whole life.”

The former Blues’ players will go against each other in the league on Sunday. De Bruyne’s Manchester City clash Mohamed Salah’s Liverpool. The league is at stake here, with City the current leaders, and Liverpool roaring to go atop as they sit just a point behind in the second. As far as Chelsea is concerned over the premier league news, the Blues just hammered Southampton 6-0. Thomas Tuchel‘s men are looking to seal the third place in the league.

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